November 15, 2009



On twitter an activity has evolved called Follow Friday where Tweeple (Twitter Users) will recommend other Tweeps (also people who use twitter) for following (receiving updates of their tweets).

Although I like the idea of #FF (Follow Friday) I find the lumping and listing of great follows a little awkward and often hard to pull off with my present schedule.

Enter the "Personal Recommendation To Follow" or #PRTF. 

I like the thought of these because they can be posted anytime and contain as much or as little information as I like. 




Rich said...

Hey Barry,

Some of us have taken to making it more clear why we add someone to #FF and/or what those lists mean.

So, you, as always, are on the right page. :)


Barry said...

Hi Rich,

Per our earlier volley of ideas I am still having a little trouble making Social Networking ends meet. I find I am always looking for ways to make the most of the time I have available. Oddly, it seems like focusing on an individual rather than a list of folks does that. It is not logical but it feels right.
