May 08, 2009



Twitter is an odd place. I have not been very active there because I just do not get it. The site encourages you to tell people what you are doing in 140 characters or less as in:

Writing a short blog post about Twitter.

Some people use Twitter to share information from around the web which to me is more like the expression “All a twitter” then telling people what you are doing.


I have no desire to constantly tell people what I am doing but I can see value in telling people what has got me "all a twitter".




Kubinak said...

I've only just started texting the closest of friends. And now there is the Kindle, threatening the life paperback novels. Imagine if The Beatles were only now emerging? There would have been no song.

THORN said...

hm, nice to stumble upon your blog here. i'd no idea. as usual.