December 06, 2008

Test Of Time



Some things keep on working and my old lantern is one of them. It requires maintenance in the form of a yearly cleaning and I must replace wicks and keep it filled with fuel but for the most part it gives me very little trouble. It is made well and trustworthy and although I know there is a limit to its lifespan, when it does finally fail, it will have served every owner well along the way. Houses should be like my old lantern. They should be built well at the outset and require us to maintain their integrity like a partner. When a house gives us constant trouble and does not live up to its end of the bargain then we must examine its history to show us where it has been and how we can help it to go in the direction we would like.

Houses are far more varied and mutable than lanterns. Thus quality should remain a top concern as we renovate and re-imagine our homes.


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