February 07, 2009

Electric Library






Barry said...

Hi Phannie,

I am glad you are enjoying the posts. :-)

I somehow have the image locked in my brain of DC in a dust cloud so maybe I did read that at one time.

Wasn't the dustbowl triggered by humans farming so much they took away the ground cover?

rocketts said...

yup, overfarming, and the crops they overfarmed, cotton's real hard on land they say.

rocketts said...

that coupled with severe drought, of course, but some prairies are meant to be prairies.
You know, I still can't stand most actors, especially those who act like they know stuff. I played Tom Joad for another company last year and now I'm talking like I'm an expert in dust bowl. If only I could land a Capn'
Crunch gig, I could really get into the cereal bowl.

rocketts said...

nice image parade, by the way.
helicopter action.