February 03, 2009

Water Towers





rocketts said...

sexy and spooky too.

Barry said...

@ Rocketts

Agreed, and also stately and stodgy at times.

@ Phannie,

It slipped my mind that you lived in Athens. Is there a water tower in any of those early REM videos? It seems I remember one; it might even been made out of wood?

Hardware stores in cities are some of the coolest. The stores themselves are often old and interesting and most of what they offer has no hard and fast shelf life so older products are sold right alongside the new. I don’t remember hearing before that Bruce was an inventor. This conjures romantic imagery of an apartment workshop with 52 layers of paint. I am sure I would like Bruce.

On a side note seeing Eddie Izzard on “The Riches” was fun. I thought it was an interesting choice to make his youngest in the show inclined to cross dressing. I can still hear you laughing when you introduced me to him through his comedy routine.


Barry said...

@ Phannie,

My address is oddjobs@mchsi.com. I would really love to see pictures. And I look forward to spotlighting Bruce's invention on this here blog once it has come to fruition and has been made available to the world.