February 09, 2009

Taking Social Networking Slow


Over the past week I have joined Digg, Twitter, Newsvine, Blog Catalog and technorati. Each one of these sites, although similar in some ways, is also very different. Digg and BC I have spent some time on in the past so I know the drill but the other three I am taking very slow..

I have yet to tweet once. I am a little daunted by the premise that I should post in a 140 characters or less what I am doing right now. I mean you could end up in a never ending cycle of:


Updating my twitter.

Updating my twitter.

Updating my twitter.

And so on.

Newsvine is interesting but I haven’t quite figured it out. I get that I can seed stories and I have done so with four but you can also write your own stories and join groups and discuss, which of course takes time.

At Blog Catalog you can create groups about anything you want or you can join groups and again discuss. BC also has a dual banner and box advertising which is video based and aside from being annoying, makes my movement through the site somewhat slow.

Technorati is last because I have spent the least time there. (Even less than twitter where I sit idly looking at the tweet box) Technorati embraces the term blogosphere and on your profile page where you claim your own blog you get to keep track of how many people are your fans.

I am so not fond of the fan aspect of social networking. Blogger calls them followers.

Don’t even get me started about Entrecard, where you make a "card" which represents your blog and you drop it on other bloggers who drop their cards back on you. Everyone is earning credits along the way for their activity which you can sell or use to buy advertising or books or who knows what else? Entrecard seems to hectic for me.

My advice to you if you are just getting your foot in the social networking door is to take your pick and take it slow and remember whatever happens on the internet stays on the internet.

Updating my twitter.

Updating my twitter.

Updating my twitter.


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