February 15, 2009

I believe I'll have another cup of coffee.

“A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems.”
~ Alfréd Rényi and Paul Erdős
I spent the day yesterday looking into software for website creation.
I only have a basic knowledge of HTML so I was looking for a program that I could use visually, dragging and dropping and inserting text and pictures and so forth. Money is an issue so I ruled out some of the more expensive options but I still wanted to be able to create flash menu’s and insert jukeboxes and video.
Enter Coffee Cup ; they have authored a host of programs which tackle the various aspect of designing a modern website and all are very affordable. You also get free upgrades for life when you purchase one of their programs and plenty of solid endorsements from web heavies to allay your fears that you will be disappointed. But if you still need convincing you can download fully functional trial versions of their programs. (Web developing aside I sure do love Lock Box. )
The Coffee Cup website itself is a learning tool written in an easy to read, informal style that hints at this company’s coffee house roots and totally lives up to their motto: “Fresh Software. Warm People. “
"Good coffee is like friendship: rich and warm and strong."
~Pan-American Coffee Bureau
Below are some other warm people doing interesting things on the web and a complimentary cup of coffee for each.
"Science may never come up with a better office communication system than the coffee break."
~Earl Wilson
James Beddell is a lighting designer who writes for the Konstructr blog. His posts are genuine and extremely readable, inviting the reader who may not be familiar with lighting specifics to consider this very important aspect of our lives. He also has the gift of an ever widening focus which gives his work a solid sense of perspective.
"Its amazing how the World begins to change through the eyes of a cup of coffee!!"
~Donna A. Favors
Vik Duggal is an admin at Konstructr. He hosts an audio program called Kcast. The show is a well spoken and engaging look into the real estate, development and construction industry. Vik’s positive attitude and enthusiasm for the work are infectious and inspiring and his commitment to making things better invites us to take heart, roll up our sleeves and get to work.

"If I asked for a cup of coffee, someone would search for the double meaning."
~Mae West
Margie and Edna are two elderly sisters created and brought to life by two amazing and kind people named Jane and Beth. Margie and Edna’s basement combines a form of linkable nostalgia which is only made possible by the web with a high comedy based on character which evokes Carol Burnett, Vicki Lawrence, Lucille Ball and Giulietta Masina amongst others.

"If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee."
~Abraham Lincoln
Rich Becker writes about communication on his blog Copywrite Ink. He always takes the time to respond to comments left on his posts and very often will allow these impromptu exchanges to inform upcoming installments. This a great sign that someone is really listening and reminds us that listening is a cornerstone of communication.
"I put instant coffee in a microwave and almost went back in time."
~Steven Wright

This post is brought to you by (What Else?) Coffee.


Rich said...

Hey Barry,

This works! I love it.

Yeah, I guess do spend considerable time listening. I like to know what people think, and often find they propel toward something I've never considered (or sometimes forgotten).

Sometimes I respond on the quick, but mostly I like let to response brew, especially when they come from you. It's also where I'm most consistent.

Thank you for adding me to list of what seems like several wonderful people (and a couple I know well, of course). I'm honored.

All my best,

Marcus A said...

The CoffeeCup software looks great. And the price seems decent. Great Steven Wright quote also.

Barry said...

@ Rich,

This was one of those posts that takes you by the hand and leads you off somewhere. Consequently I was glad to hear you say it worked because after posting and telling myself “hands off!” I still wasn’t sure.

On the subject of mission statements and the like it was coffeecups website and general attitude which made me like them enough to include other folks who have given me a warm reception online in the post and that says a lot.

Thanks to you and others I have met along the way I am growing comfortable in my ability to gauge how much.

@ Marcus A,

I really like what coffecup represents as well. At 23 employees they really are a mom and pop shop in the mix and even online I like supporting that. Add to this that those companies with thousands of employees have a lot more overhead you can bet we are paying more than we have to for software. I love discovering the highly capable underdog. It is like finding a leather satchel in great shape at the thrift store!:-)

Come over and we will test drive it together.

All of my best to you both,


Marcus A said...

I am in the city of Austin, TX.

Vik Duggal said...

Thanks for the kind words Barry. Keep up the great work! If you ever need help, support, advice, or a reference be sure to hit me up!


Vik Duggal

Barry said...

Hi Vik,

I was glad to spread the word about your endeavor and how it has inspired me. I am also especially touched by what you do because of the audio component which is a medium that is close to my heart.

Thanks for stopping by.
