March 22, 2009

JunctionHaus blog to act as learning tool.

In the last entry I revealed that JunctionHaus would be the name of our new construction service. It also will be the title of a blog on which will be set up in five different categories and serve as a learning tool for me as I go further into the study of the services themselves. My intent is to make the JunctionHaus blog primarily a photo blog which will store visual examples of the various systems, styles, material, elements and effects associated with the creation of shelters. I am not so much launching this blog as slowly building it. For now it is simply a test post and structure.
The latter part of this week has seen a shift of my focus back to the website. This happened quite naturally as my studies became highly intensive on the subject of estimating. ConstructionSuite provides customizable spread sheets designed to facilitate an estimate but for the nuts and bolts I have gone to the book “Estimating Building Costs” by Wayne J. DelPico. The book is associated with RSMeans. They are a company which creates costbooks for estimating. These costbooks are available in the electronic format for Constructionsuite. In fact the program comes pre-packaged with several. Being able to reference them at home means cutting out the step of going to a supplier to price material. These costbooks are updated quarterly and represent an additional expense for upkeep. The expense is more than justified if they can be fully utilized. All of this information filled me up so I have gone to the website for an outlet. I continue to place my faith in the Great Spirit to help me to weave all of this together into a workable and beneficial business.

(An interesting side note: In Microsoft Word the term Great Spirit auto corrects to capitalize.)

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